Machine learning is becoming an exciting
field because it can be applied to the different problems
we face in our daily lives. An essential function of
machine learning is predicting the possibility of any
future event. Improving this accuracy of prediction has
always been one of the most challenging aspects of
Machine Learning. In this paper we have tried to
improve the accuracy by Combining the Ensemble
Learning [1] approach of Bagging [2] and Boosting [3]
with Linear regression. The problem of extrapolation in
case of Bagging techniques is also explored and
corrected using Ensemble methods. The combination
will yield better results when used in the case of Bagging
techniques as compared to the results given by
individual models. Simulations of these algorithms are
achieved in R and are further demonstrated in future
Keywords : Ensemble Learning, Bagging, Boosting, Multiple Linear Regression, RMSE, Random Forest, Extrapolation.