This study aims to analyze the role of
entrepreneurial education, university environment, on
student intention for entrepreneurship. The analysis
was conducted using an extended and modified Theory
of Planned Behavior (TPB) model by including
entrepreneurship education and the university
environment as external factors that influence the basic
variables in the TPB. Data were obtained through a
questionnaire of 287 students at the Sumbawa
University of Technology who were taking or have
taken entrepreneurship courses. The data were then
analyzed using the partial least square method. The
results shows that entrepreneurial education and
university environment affect entrepreneurial intention
indirectly through perceived behavioral control and
attitude towards entrepreneurial behavior respectively.
Meanwhile, gender has a significant direct effect on
entrepreneurial intention, where men have a stronger
intention to become entrepreneurs.
Keywords : Entrepreneurial Intention, Entrepreneurial Education, University Environment, Theory of Planned Behavior.