Despite recent development in Earth
observation technology, in Nigeria, the vulnerability of
environmental resources in the natural ecosystems
aggravated by man-induced environmental
transformations and climate change have been a subject
of concern among scientists and policy makers. The
country is still facing enormous challenges in the area of
environmental protection which is prompting the need
for the development of a strong internal capacities in
Earth observation. The effects of deforestation, land
degradation, hydro-ecological dynamics, their temporal
repeatability and magnitude, for example, require an
effective evaluation through accurate analyses that
would provide evidence-based information that is
urgently needed otherwise the goal of environmental
protection and sustainability will remain elusive. In
Nigeria, specifically, the vegetation and hydro-ecological
vulnerability couple with lack of appropriate technology
for policy implementation resulted to change in
microclimate, endanger wildlife, flooding, food
insecurity, soil erosion, drought and conflict between
herders and farmers. These developments have
heightened the needs for a paradigm shift in research
and education in Earth observation to encourage
biodiversity mapping, environmental monitoring and
sustainability. This paper reviews the short-coming of
the environmental policies with specific reference to
vegetation and water resource development in the
context of vulnerability assessments and the potential
application of remote sensing. The paper also highlights
the challenges facing remote sensing/ Earth observation
research and education in Nigeria and therefore proffer
numerous recommendations to address those challenges.
Keywords : Earth observation; Remote sensing; Vulnerability; Vegetation; Hydrology; Education; Research; Environment; Policy; Nigeria.