Esotropia is a condition in which one eye is
turned in or nasally. These in turning may be alternate
or constant. Congenital or essential infantile esotropia
syndrome is a common type of strabismus. It is mostly
present in the first 6 to 12 month of age. Association may
be with cross fixation, other extraocular muscle
overaction, amblyopia, large deviation mostly with no
refractive error and with or without nystagmus. It
should be differentiated from other causes of esotropia.
Management include mostly surgical. Here we report a
case of 10-year-old male child with left eye congenital
esotropia (40 PD BO) with no oblique overaction, no
amblyopia with normal fundus. The case was managed
by left eye medial rectus recession and lateral rectus
resection. So, in conclusion we report uniocular surgery
has same result as binocular surgery. However, surgery
done in an early age has a good outcome as compared to
delayed surgery.
Keywords : Amblyopia, Base Out (BO), Cross Fixation, Esotropia, Prism Diopter (PD), Overaction