Estimation of Incident Solar Radiation on the Walls of a Habitat for the Typical Day of April in the Ouagadougou Region in Burkina Faso

Authors : Baba MANSARE , Mamadouba CONTE , Yacouba CAMARA , Amadou Lamarana BAH and Drissa OUEDRAOGO

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 9 - September

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20SEP749

His work aims to develop a mathematical model of incident solar radiation on all the walls of a sloping roof habitat for a typical climate in the Ouagadougou region. Subsequently, we set up a program for the calculations of the essential parameters of illumination and the various components of solar radiation under the Fortran Programming Language and to plot our curves using the Origin software. This work allowed us to estimate the amount of solar flux that each wall of a habitat receives during a day, to know the importance of the orientation of the main facade of the habitat to the south and to find out how often the roof is exposed to solar radiation.

Keywords : Estimate, Incident Radiation, Habitat Wall, Typical Day.


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