This study was conducted in Shwesettaw wildlilfe area in Minbu,Magway Region. The study period lasted from December 2017 to August 2018. The study area is divided into three study sites.Five parakeet species of Psittacula alexandri, Psittacula eupatria, Psittacula finschii, Psittacula krameri and Psittacula roseate were observed.The population abundance of parakeet species was investigated. The highest total number of individual were recorded in site II (6021) followed by Site I (3319) and lowest in Site III (2540). By evaluating the relative abundance, P.alexandri was the highest (35.86%) and P.roseata (32.03%), P.finschii (18.17%) and P.krameri 11.03%) and P.eupatria (2.71%).
Keywords : Abundance; Near Threatened; Parakeets; Psittacidae; Wildlilfe.