Due to increase of Technology in Medical science, there is a significant growth is seen in organ transplantation. Most of the time organ receivers life span can be predicted based on his /her health conditions. But this may not be true in case of Liver transplantation, this is mainly due to complicated working structure of the liver and its unexplainable importance in the functioning of the human body. More often the predicted lifespan of the liver transplant receiver end quite early. So machine learning can be a boon to predict accurate life span of the receiver. Some methodologies are existed in machine learning to achieve the same using deep learning techniques, where it needs heavy data for learning purpose. It is very hard to provide the such large number of data for the learning process every time. So to provide the life span expectation of liver transplanted patient, even with a moderate size of data, this research article uses the Hidden Markov model along with the Dumpster–Shafer reasoning to enhance the process of life spa expectation.
Keywords : Hidden Markov Model, Dumster Shafer Reaoning,K means clustering, Fuzzy Classification.