The purpose of the present investigation was
to investigate the applicability of BTTT to sesame oils
obtained from different parts of India and thereby
examine the influence of geographical variations on
bellier turbidity temperature test (BTTT) and assessing
the purity of sesame oil available in markets of India
using (BTTT). In the present work, the sesame oils used
for analysis, such as sesame cooking oil (21.9) (smc,
Alfa green), sesame oil(20.7) (sm, Appu black),gingelly
oil(20.9) (gg, Shakti) and sesame oil(19.9)(sm1, Kabira)
exhibited BTT in the range of 19.9 to 21.9 0C. The
result have demonstrated the reproducibility through
the analyzed data. Hence It is observed that sesame oil
fulfils BTTT values as per Regulation (Food Products
and Standards) 2011 of Food Safety Standards and Act
2006. The standard mean error is in between 0.06-0.12
in case of BTT.
The present research paper are evaluate and
assessing the purity of edible cooking sesame oil of
different brands obtained from different parts of India
and thereby examine the influence of geographical
variations on bellier turbidity temperature test (BTTT).
The sesame oils used for analysis, such as sesame
cooking oil (21.9) (smc, Alfa green), sesame oil(20.7)
(sm, Appu black), gingelly oil(20.9) (gg, Shakti) and
sesame oil(19.9)(sm1, Kabira). The evaluation has been
carried out for the purity of sesame oils using BTTT as
qualitative tool. The BTTT values are exhibited in the
range of 19.9 to 21.90C. It is observed that all the
sesame oils are to pass the BTTT values as per the
specifications of sesame oils. In case of BTT, The
standard mean error is in the range of 0.06-0.12.
Keywords : Vegetable Oil, Edible Oil, Different Brands of Sesame Oil, Purity, BTTT.