The study was carried out on water samples
collected from different sites in Singa city, Sudan. Thirty
samples of drinking water were collected randomly
during summer, autumn, and winter for two succesive
years 2019 and 2020.The objective of the study was to
determine the quality of drinking water by looking into
physicochemical and microbial aspect. The
physicochemical and microbial analysis were performed
according to the American Public Health Association,
American Water Works Association and Water
Pollution Control Federation. The physicchemical
analysis were performed for temperature, PH, electrical
conductivity(E.C.),turbidity, and total dissolved solids
(T.D.S.).The microbial analysis were performed to detect
the presence of microorganisms such as total coli form,
Escherichia coli and faecal streptococcus. Results
showed that the temperature of the samples were within
the limit in summer, but exceeded the Sudanese
Standarad Limits in autumn and winter. The PH, (E.C.)
and (T.D.S.)were within the Sudanese Standards
.Results showed the presence of coliform, Escherichia
coli and faecal streptococcus in some samples, and this
indicated that some water samples were unfit for human
consumtion It is recommended to carry out
bacteriological examination frequently for water in the
distibution system.
Keywords : Singa City, Microbial Analysis, Physicochemical Analysis, Drinking Water