This study aims to find out how much the level
of the role of the expedition in ensuring the smooth
distribution of spare parts that occur at PT Mitra Bisnis.
In the process of parts distribution, PT Mitra Bisnis has
collaborated with three shipping companies, namely: PT
Pelita Sukses Logistic, PT Maxxi Logistic and PT Raih
Sukses Abadi. In the process of spare parts distribution,
PT Mitra Bisnis has set four criteria that must be met and
required in a contract, namely: Lead Time, Tariff, Report
Monitoring, and Term of Payment. This research is
quantitative by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process
method. The sample taken in this study amounted to 20
respondents who worked in the logistics and supply chain,
especially the warehouse, transport and inventory. From
the results of this research obtained the best expedition
rank among the three based on these four factors, namely:
1) PT Raih Sukses Abadi, 2) PT Maxxi Logistic, and 3) PT
Pelita Sukses Logistic. While based on the order of priority
criteria, PT Mitra Bisnis prioritizes: 1) Lead Time of
31.50%, 2) Monitoring Reports of 30.00%, 3) Tariff of
26.60%, and 4) Term of Payment of 11.90%.
Keywords : Dealer, Parts, Lead Time, Report Monitoring, Tariff, and Term of Payment.