The evaluation of the fertility status of an agricultural field is an essential parameter in terms of sustainable productivity of crops. Macro and micro nutrient elements govern the fertility of soils and control the growth, development and yield of crops. This study was aim at determining the fertility status of soil in the study area. Sixty (60) surface soil samples (0 – 15 cm) were tested for their status /level of pH, E.C, Organic carbon, available N, P, K, S and available Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn using standard laboratory procedure. The level of soil pH, E.C and organic carbon ranged from 4.7 – 5.1 (strongly acidic), 0.35 – 0.95 dsm-1 and 0.86% - 1.14% respectively. The status of organic carbon in the soils was rated medium while the available N status is low (82 %) only few (18 %) of the soils in JT and GB were in medium of N content. Both available P and K were medium in status with the range of 6.17 kg/ha – 23.85 kg/ha and mean values of 333 kg/ha while S was within the critical range of 7.9 mg/kg – 9.5 mg/kg available S status. The available micro element status in the soil was high ranges between 3495.6 mg/kg - 6033.6 mg/kg for Fe, 18.32 mg/kg – 66.66 mg/kg for Zn, 157.5 mg/kg – 302.4 mg/kg for Mn and 1.54 mg/kg – 7.28 mg/kg for Cu respectively. The high level of these elements was as a result of pH of the soil which was found to be strongly acidic.
Keywords : Macro Nutrients, Fertility Status, Micro Elements, Sustainable.