Land is central to human existence, socioeconomic development and wellbeing of the people.
Paradoxically, land is put under intense pressure from
multiple vagaries. These have generated land use
conflicts as the different land use types turn to conflict
each other with far reaching implications. Such
conflicting claims regarding rights to ownership of land
have, over the years led to multiple types of conflicts in
different communities including Tubah. This paper
evaluates the conflicting land uses in Tubah SubDivision, the types and manifestations of conflicts and
propose management options. A cross-sectonal multiple
data collection techniques were used to elicit and
urbanization among others. Moreover, these conflicts
have had tremendous consequences ranging from
destruction response on land use conflicts, manifestation
and management options. Results indicates 6 types of
land use conflicts in Tubah Sub-Division which include
farmer-farmer, grazier-grazier, forest-farmer, farmersettlement and watershed-farmer-grazier conflicts with
the main type being the farmer-grazier conflicts. Their
manifestations were in response to changing demand in
agricultural products, restricted access and emerging
opportunities from settlement expansion of farmlands,
killing of cattle, reduction in water quality and quantity
for downstream users amongst others. This situation
greatly calls for more efficient and effective land use
conflict strategies through land use planning measures to
achieve optimal balance between competing interest,
multiple land user and the use of un-ideal land. Also,
with proper education and sanitization, effective
collaboration among stakeholders, the use of skillful
actions in ensuring conflict resolution could be achieved.
Finally, local inclusion in decision making processes,
property right and the empowerment of local institutions
among others measures to ensure sustainable land
management should also be encouraged.
Keywords : Land Use, Conflicts, Land Use Conflicts, Conflict Resolution, Tubah Sub-Division