Evaluation of Meat Quality and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chickens as Affected by Feed Withdrawal with Electrolytes Added to Water

Authors : Albino N. Taer, Erma C. Taer, Virgilio Ratunil Jr.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 9 - September

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2lTaGWi

Electrolyte mitigated the effect of fasting usually done before slaughtering process. Based on results using two-way ANOVA in a complete randomized design out of Ninety (90) heads of marketable broiler chicken fasted in 0-hour, 24-hours, and 48-hours in drinking water with and without electrolyte. Eventually, fasting affected the live weight, dress weight, liver weight. Digestive tracts were significantly affected by levels hour of fasting while not significant on initial live weight and dressing percentage. The main effects of water treatments were significant on total live weight loss, and to the total percentages of live weight loss of chicken. Mean values of meat pH and cooking loss were statistically significant by levels of hour fasting. Sensory qualities scored using 5- point hedonic scales were all comparable. In all carcass, meat quality, and sensory parameters, hour fasting had no interactions (P >0.05) with drinking water except the texture of meat and overall acceptability. Broilers off-feed up to 48 hours have positive responses in meat pH, cooking loss with moderate acceptability in sensory taste favored to consumers but a monetary loss to growers. Electrolyte provision in water negatively affects live weight therefore not recommended. A further trial should be performed in a larger sample and a longer electrolyte treatment.

Keywords : Feed Withdrawal, Fasting, Electrolyte, Broiler, Sensory, Water Intake, Carcass Characteristics, and Meat Quality.


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