Evaluation of Root and Canal Morphology of Maxillary First Premolars in a Bangladeshi Population: An in vitro study

Authors : Dr. Md. Ismail Hossain; Dr. Monira Parveen; Dr. Md. Shamsul Alam; Dr. Shahnaz Sultana Beauty; Dr. Md. Farid Uddin

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2R5y5Tq

Morphologic characteristics of root canals directly influence the outcome of root canal treatment as biomechanical preparation and sterilization depend on canal morphology. Objectives: The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the root and root canal morphology of maxillary 1 st premolars of the Bangladeshi inhabitants using tooth clearing and staining techniques. Methods and Materials: 1746 extracted maxillary 1st premolars collected from Rajshahi Medical College dental Unit and private oral care center within Rajshahi were selected for this study and stored in normal saline. Root numbers were determined by Visual and radiographic examinations. 5%nitric acid was used to decalcify teeth after pulp tissue removal. Ascending concentrations of alcohol and methyl salicylate were used for dehydrating and clearing teeth respectively. India ink was used for staining and 5 x magnifications were used for evaluating the number of roots, root canals, and location of apical foramina. Results: Of the 1746 teeth, 290 (22.33%) had one, 1348 (77.19%) had two, and eight maxillary 1st premolars (0.45%) had triple roots. Among all teeth, 2.28% (40 teeth) had a single canal (Type I), 97.24% (592 teeth) had two canals (Types II and III), 0.45% (8 teeth) had three canals (Type V), and 0.34% (6 teeth) had one root canal two apical foramina (type IV). Concerning the location of apical foramen 734 teeth (42.03%) had apical foramen at the apex and 1012 teeth (57.97%) had apical foramen lateral to the apex. Conclusion: Bangladeshi maxillary 1st premolars are primarily double rooted type III canal configuration. While performing the endodontic treatment, different variants of canal configuration of maxillary 1st premolars should be kept in mind by the clinician.

Keywords : Root Canal Configuration, Maxillary 1 st Premolar, Dental Anatomy, Bangladeshi Population


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