The growing population of cities causes many
problems such as air pollution, traffic congestion, fuel
consumption and energy efficiency. Especially the
traffic problem has come to the fore as one of the main
factors of many other problems. In literature has been
developed different methods to solve this problem.
Queuing theory (Queuing models) are studies involving
all the analytical approaches performed for the analysis
and design of these systems. In this article, the analysis
results obtained from the real data collected from the
field are shared. The results obtained in the study were
analyzed by the methods provided by the queue models.
The signal duration was improved based on the data
obtained, and the effect on the result was examined. As
a result of improving the signal times, it was seen that
parameters such as queue lengths and time consumed in
the system decreased.
Keywords : Queueing Theory, Intelligent Signal Times; Signalized Intersections; Smart Cities.