Evaluation of the Groundwater Potentials of the Lower Benue Valley, South Eastern Nigeria

Authors : Osibe, K. O; Nwosu, C. I; Onwe, M. R; Eze, S. O

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/39f4P2J

- As population increases more water would be needed for Agriculture, Industry and domestic uses. Normally the easiest and most convenient way to meet the public demand for water is to utilize surface water resources, unfortunately fresh water rivers and lakes are less plentiful than may at first be imagined and in fact account for less than 0.01 per cent of the world total water, coupled with the present trend in global warming and consequent decrease in surface water, hence, groundwater exploration will assume greater importance. Although occurrence of groundwater is universal, it is nevertheless not evenly distributed nor easy to exploit everywhere. The study area was discussed under three hydro geologic Divisions: Abakaliki, Ajalli and Alluvial Divisions. Abakaliki Division is made up of thin, shallow and continuous aquifers which are mainly localized and usually unconfined. Ajalli comprises both confined and unconfined aquifers, a very promising province with associated perched aquifers that serves as sources of springs and streams to communities in the area. The third Division - the Alluvial found mainly at the banks of major rivers have shallow, highly prolific aquifers, though very sensitive to the rhythm of rainfall. Wells and boreholes in the Abakaliki and Ajalli Divisions could be contaminated and polluted by saline and surface waters. This can be handled by making proper and adequate studies and planning with the aim of sinking deep boreholes.


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