The kill times of the minimum lethal concentrations (MLCs) of extracts from peels, pulp and seeds of five species of citrus fruits tested against mosquito larvae were evaluated. To obtain the phytochemicals from these citrus fruit parts Soxchlet extraction using Diethyl Ether as solvent was carried out at a temperature range between 60oC and 80oC for 6hours. Five concentration grades of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% were prepared, and 100ml of each was poured into a transparent plastic container holding 20 live active mosquito larvae in 500ml of clean water. A control was set up with the same concentrations of Altosid liquid larvicide. The time each concentration was added was noted; the interval between the time of application of extract to the container of water holding the larvae and the time all the 20 larvae in any of the concentrations died were recorded.
Keywords : Citrus Fruits, Phytochemical Extracts, Minimum Lethal Concentration, Kill Time, Mosquito Larvae, Altosid Liquid Larvicide.