Authors : Sumit Moharana, Pallavi Khuntia, Sarthak Suvojit Das, Rituparna Das, Priyanka Samantaray, Subhasmita Mohanty
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 5 - May
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COVID-19- A pandemic disease which has
threatened mankind and has aborted normal human
activity is spreading at a faster rate. Just like it’s
ancestors SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, this SARS-CoV19 also has proved to be fatal for everyone. Social
distancing, hand sanitizing, and following the norms
issued by WHO (World Health Organization) has
somewhat helped in controlling the pandemic situation
Keywords : COVID-19, Protein Spikes, Epidemic, Replication, Homologous Recombination, Antibody, Convalescent Plasma, Mutate, Vaccine.