A professional student of any medical college in his
/her life undergoes various stresses. The stress related to
academics is one of them. For any student examination
is often a tiresome and stressful experience. These
students mostly suffer from exam anxiety.
Aims and Objectives:
This study was undertaken to assess the level of
exam anxiety and methods used for its alleviation by
professional medical students before examination.
This study was carried out in 387 MBBS students
of Government Medical College, Chandrapur. Based on
the scale suggested by Nist and Diehl, a prevalidated
questionnaire consisting of ten questions was asked with
five possible options ranging from never [1] to
always[5]. The level of exam anxiety was categorized
depending on score of 10 to 19 as no anxiety, 20 to 35 as
healthy anxiety and above 35 as unhealthy anxiety. The
questionnaire also stated how exam anxiety affected the
performance of the student. It also included various
relieving methods used by them, how frequently they
used these methods and how these methods affected
their performance. This questionnaire was given
individually to all medical students after taking their
informed consent. The data was collected from them
and data analysis was done by using appropriate
36 (9%) students had unhealthy anxiety, 269 (70%)
students had healthy anxiety and 82(21%) students had
no anxiety. 133 (34%) perceived that stress didn’t have
any effect on their performance, in 82(21%) students,
the performance was improved but 172(45%) students
had their performance deteriorated due to stress. To
alleviate exam stress, most common method used was
contacting family and friends by 336(86.8%) students
followed by listening music by 325(84.0%) students,
followed by sleeping in 301(77.8%) students.
Most of the professional MBBS students
experience some degree of anxiety during exams and
used different relieving methods to cope up with it.
Although some anxiety can be healthy as it keeps one
alert, active and focussed but excess anxiety may be
harmful to one’s physical, mental and/or social health.
Keywords : Medical Students, Exam Anxiety, Stress Level, Relieving Methods.