Examining Designs of Selected Juvenile Correctional Facilities in Nigeria: A Case Study Approach

Authors : Belejit, Oluwasomi Okwa; Warebi, Gabriel Brisibe

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/31qyEcl

The term, built environment can be explained as the environment characterized by humans which provides the environs for human activity, this can be seen from buildings, parks, green areas down to neighborhood and cities which usually includes support facilities such as water supply and energy networks. Thus, during the architectural design phase of the juvenile correctional centers, qualities that will enhance the rehabilitation process should be considered and implemented. It is in this regard, visual surveys were used to collect data and interviews were done in juvenile correctional facilities in Rivers state, Kwara state and Kastina state respectively Which are in different Geopolitical zones. This study concludes that the design of juvenile facilities in these regions are designed focusing more on punishment and less on reintegrating and reformatting these juveniles.

Keywords : Built Environment; Juvenile Centers; Reintegration; Rehabilitation; Correctional Facility


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