All living things depend solidly on feeding to
continue to reproduce for the survival of the society.
Irrespective of one’s age there are factors that greatly
affect one’s feeding. The elderly like children are expected
to take in balanced diet to restore their worn out energy
and to enhance their deteriorating health conditions to
endure old age complications. During old age the elderly
also require much attention and caregiving like babies.
Healthy food habits provide a key impetus to maintaining
good health, preventing major diseases such as coronary
heart diseases and diabetes, thus improving the quality of
life among aging population. The researchers used
quantitative approach for the study. The population for
the elderly from Ekumfi was 5,194. However, accessible
population of 632 elderly persons and 2,526 caregivers
from 10 communities in the Ekumfi District formed part
of the accessible population for the study therefore 100
elderly and their care givers in Ekumfi District in the
Central Region of Ghana were the respondents for the
study. The researchers used snowball sampling technique
to select their respondents. The instrument used for data
collection was questionnaire. The research design used for
the study was cross-sectional non-interventional
descriptive research design. The study revealed that, there
were significant positive correlations between feeding
habits and level of income, health condition, level of
education, commitment of caregivers and physical
activeness However, there was a significant negative
correlation between age and feeding habits of the elderly.
The results further indicated that 41.3% of changes in the
quality of feeding habits were explained by their age, level
of education, level of income, health conditions,
commitment of caregivers, and physical activeness. The
study further revealed that, level of income and
commitment of caregivers respectively made the strongest
and second strongest unique contributions to explain
variations in the quality of feeding habit, when the
variance explained by all other variables in the model is
controlled. Also, The Central Government should extend
the LEAP funding to cover all elderly poor and to
increase the amount to help alleviate their problems
Keywords : Support, Balances Diet, Caregiving, Organism, Development, Sustenance, Feeding