Exchange Relationship in Community Social Networks in the Management of the Citarum Watershed

Authors : Rudi Saprudin Darwis, Risna Resnawaty, Naya Defisa

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

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Community social networks are formed in an effort to manage the environment around the Citarum watershed in a comprehensive manner and integrate various programs or activities from various parties. This research will describe the social network built in the management of the Citarum watershed as a form of interchange relationship. The research method used in this study is a descriptive study research method with a qualitative approach. The aspects studied include aspects of the exchange relationship, namely the actors involved, the distribution of resources, opportunities to exchange, exchange relations, and network structure. The results of the study indicate that the actors involved in the management of the Citarum watershed consist of individual elements and groups with diverse professional backgrounds and can play a role to complement one another. The valuable sources distributed by actors include money, time, thought, and energy using general methods through socialization, community service, and coordination meetings. In terms of opportunities for exchange relations, the factors that give rise to opportunities for exchange are due to personal awareness and the presence of work instructions. In the reciprocal aspects of the exchange relationship, the reciprocal elements obtained by the actors include changes in behavior, appreciation, and also personal satisfaction. The network structure between actors is formed as a result of the similarity of goals and attachments between one actor and another actor. This attachment is in the form of a cooperative relationship that is mutually beneficial and complements one another.

Keywords : Exchange Relations, Social Networks, Watersheds, Citarum.


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