Drug abuse, also known as Drug addiction is
defined as chronic, relapsing brain disease that is
characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use,
despite its harmful consequences. The initial decision of
drug taking is voluntary but repeated uses leads to its
addiction. Addiction of any form is dangerous. What is
even worse is that mostly young children and youth are
hit by this, most illicit use of drugs starts at the age of 16-
17 years of age. It starts with merely smoking of
cigarettes and gradually drowns the person into the trap
of drug abuse. This study was carried out to identify the
various causes of Drug Abuse, by determine the extent of
damage and identify possible solution to the problem.
The study enables one to be aquatinted with the age
range of Drug Abusers, the consequences, signs and
stages. The major findings of this study are sign and
symptoms of drug abuse, various stages of drug abuse,
and consequences of drug abuse
Keywords : Cocaine/Heroin, Signs and Symptoms, Stages of Drug Abuse, Consequences of Drug Abuse.