Experimental Study of Self Compacting Concrete using Portland Cement and Mineral Admixture

Authors : Nisheeth Agnihotri; Ravi Agarwal; U.S.Vidyarthi

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2QT9Rff

Self-Compacting Concrete is generally termed as very effective for congested spaces, having dense reinforcement and narrow formwork. A lot of researches and executed construction activities with SCC indicate its unique properties of self-flowing ability, passing ability and self-compaction with its own weight. Though to obtain these fresh properties of SCC, the mix should have optimum viscosity so that in the process of flow and passing through congested areas, the paste and aggregates do not separate from each other. Fresh properties of SCC such as segregation resistance, viscosity, flow ability and passing ability largely depend upon paste thickness, which is again governed by type of mineral admixtures (i.e. fly ash, GGBS, Micro silica etc.) used as binders, water binder ratio and chemical agents such as Viscosity modifying agents, admixtures/superplasticisers. Objective of this research paper is to study the fresh and hardened properties of SCC if designed with Ordinary Portland Cement (PPC) Moreover the external addition of mineral admixture fly ash with OPC was also considered to produce more cost effective and environment friendly SCC.

Keywords : Self Compacting Concrete, Design Mix, Flow Ability, Passing Ability, Viscosity.


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