Face Mask and Temperature Detection

Authors : Bhuvan R

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3y6NVxb

We are all aware that Covid-19 has affected the world in a very severe manner. And many countries have undergone Lockdown as a precautionary measure. One of the main methods to save ourselves and society from Coronavirus we should wear masks and Sanitize Ourselves frequently. And now the government is coming forward to give some relaxation in Lockdown to maintain a financial Balance of the Society. They have insisted on wearing a Face mask while coming outside from our living place and Surveillance in manual methods of wearing masks by People is a Challenging factor. So, In this paper I have proposed a Face mask Detection to recognize if a person is wearing a mask and infrared sensor will be able to detect the thermal temperature of the person. And an app which is connected to that system will send an alert to himself to safeguard a community from coronavirus. If a person works for the company and he has registered with the respective application in the case if he is not wearing a mask and there is a thermal Heat in body .He will get an alert by himself as a part of the company employee. If a camera captures an unrecognized face (Visitor’s face),alert will be sent out to the authorities of the company directly. A company has a feature to download the data that shows the number of alerts sends to the employees by the AI alert notification with the picture of the person. It allows the company to enforce the wearing of the mask and check the thermal heat of the person to forestall community spread of the coronavirus within the workplace.


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31 - October - 2021

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