Authors : Aman Goyal; Abhinav Ararwal; Shunham Kumar Pandey; Ravi Shanker Pathak; Kunal Yadav
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July
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The World Health Organization (WHO)
stated that the COVID-19 virus can be spread in two
ways: droplet infection and physical contact, so we want
to take some precautions to prevent the spread of the
virus. In addition to wearing masks, they are also
socially estranged. Wearing a mask is considered an
important aspect of the spread of the COVID-19 virus,
because droplets may fall on any surface between these
two preventive measures. People who wear masks or not
are more important. Here, we provide a mask with a
detection system that can detect any type of mask and
masks of various shapes through the film channel in
accordance with the guidelines of the federal
government. It uses deep learning algorithms, and the
Python PyTorch library can be used to identify masks
based on image/video sequences. The recommended
system can detect mask-wearing people wearing masks