Cervical cancer is an important health issue for women around the world. In Indonesia, according to data from the Information Systems of Hospital (SIRS) from 2007, cervical cancer ranks in the second\ position after breast cancer; the percentage of inpatients were 11.78% while outpatients were 17%. The number of cases of cervical cancer in Kediri city increases year by year: there were 165 cases in 2004, 170 cases in 2005, and 175 cases in 2006. The aim of this research was to determine the factors affecting the incidence of precancerous lesions in cervical cancers in Kediri. This research used analytic observational design with Retrospective Cross Sectional approach. The population in this research was all women who have undergone cervical cancer screening with the IVA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid) method and had positive results in the Health Clinic in Kediri. This study used Quota Sampling technique with a lottery and questionnaire as a research instrument. Data were then analyzed using Factor Analysis with SPSS 19 software. The main factors that affect precancerous cervical lesions were age and parity while supporting factors that affects precancerous cervical lesions were the age of first marriage, the number of sexual partners, and smoking.
Keywords : analysis, factor, pre-cervical, cancer, lesions, sampling.