Factors Affecting Perception of Benefits of Using E-Banking Services (Study at Bank BNI Makassar)

Authors : Feby Fauziah Haya; Haris Maupa; Nuraeni Kadir

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 1 - January

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/36l3vKv

Banking is slowly shifting conventional banking services to digital application services. This change is inevitable in today's era. This study aims to determine the effect (Perceived self-efficacy), complexity, perceived trust, compatibility and perceived ease-of-use on perceived benefit of using. e-banking services at PT. BNI. To achieve this goal, questionnaires were used with data analysis techniques using SEM PLS analysis. The results of the study found that the perceived efficacy had an impact in increasing the perceived ease-of-use of using BNI e-banking services. Complexity has a negative effect on later perceptions of using e-banking services. The effect of perceived trust has an impact in increasing the perception of benefits in the use of BNI e-banking services. The effect of perceived compatibility has an impact on the perceived benefits of using BNI e-banking services. The effect of perceived ease-of-use has an impact on perceived benefits of using BNI e-banking services

Keywords : Self-Efficacy, Complexity, Perceived Trust, Compatibility And Perceived Ease-Of-Use.


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