This study aims to determine the Factors
Affecting Performance in General Mathematics of
Grade Eleven students in Talumpok Integrated School:
Basis for Intervention Activities to improve academic
performance in the subject.
This action research covered the analysis of data
gathered through a research-made questionnaire
focusing on factors affecting student performance in
General Mathematics like student-related factors such
as; interest and study habits, and teacher-related factors
such as; personality traits, teaching skills, and
instructional materials used by the teacher.
The respondents of the study are Grade Eleven
STEM and ICT students with the total of 28
participants, 19 are females and 9 are males. Majority of
the respondents are 17 years old which is 67.86 percent
of the total sample size, males which is also 67.86
percent, and 71.43 percent of the respondents are from
ICT strand.
The factors that affect student performance are
study habit and interest which are both under studentrelated factors. Propose action is supplementary
activities since respondents showed low interest in the
subject. Supplementary activities that will practice good
study habits such as games and other related activities
that will boost student interest in the subject. In
addition, the lack of workbook/textbooks as instructional
materials highly affects the academic performance of the
The research did not include parents, and even the
other subject teachers, the guidance counselor, as well as
the principal of the school, as respondents. The study did
not cover the other factors affecting student
performance outside the school. The research is limited
to the honest responses of the respondents to the items of
the questionnaire.
The result of the action research concerning on the
factors affecting student performance in General
Mathematics will highly contribute in determining the
best action that could be done to improve the academic
performance in General Mathematics subject in grade
eleven. Moreover, the result of this research will be
useful for the subject teacher in formulating intervention
activities and other supplementary materials improve
student performance in mathematics. This research is a
This study employed the descriptive method of
research to determine the factors affecting student
performance in General Mathematics: Basis for
intervention activities
Keywords : Ranking, Weighted Mean, Percentage, Interest, Study Habits, Teacher Traits, Teaching Skills And Teaching Materials.