Factors Affecting Purchase Decisions through Consumers’ Purchase Intentions to BRI Brizzi E-Money

Authors : Nurlaela, Har Adi Basri

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2Z1g4UT

This research aimed to test and analyze effects of brand image, electronic word of mouth, brand awareness on purchase intention and its implication to purchase decision of BRI Brizzi e-money. Data used in this research was results of questionnaires which was directly distributed in March 2019, specifically in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. Samples were obtained through purposive sampling method in which some criteria were set by the researcher. There were 100 people participated as samples who matched criteria set. The data was analyzed under path analysis method with the help of SPSS 24.0. The result of the research shows that there was a positive and significant influence of the brand image, electronic word of mouth and brand awareness to the purchase intention and purchase decision, either partially or simultaneously. Also, purchase intention significantly affects the purchase decision. Some managerial implications were firstly suggested that BRI Brizzi has a brand uniqueness which covers the product message with a specific characteristic and uniqueness owned by BRI Brizzi. The second implication suggested that BRI Brizzi utilizes some integrated social media platforms to accommodate consumers’ positive emotional expressions (positive experiences) related to BRI Brizzi. Thirdly, communication through a proper media aims to create a top of mind recall in the consumers’ mind. Also, it is suggested that future researchers engage people who previously never use e-money from any brand as the research respondent, as well as conduct a research related e-money in other big cities in Indonesia.

Keywords : Brand Image, Electronic Word of Mouth, Brand Awareness, Purchase Intention, Purchase Decision.


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