The purpose of this study is to demonstrate
emirically the effect of variable undewriter reputation,
accounting method choice, ownership structure, and the
type of industry to level of underpricing shares. The
study was conducted on 61 companies which did an IPO
on the Stock Exchange in 2010-2014. The result of
multiple regresion model for this study found that
simultaneous variable underwriter reputation,
inventory accounting method, accounting method of
depreciation, ownership structure, and the type of
industry affect the level of underpricing shares.
Partially, only underwriter reputation variables that
significantly and negatively affect the level of
underpricing shares, while the vaiable accounting
methode of inventory, depreciation accounting method,
ownership structure, and industry types not significant
with a positive coefficient direction the level of
underpricing shares.
Keywords : Initial Public Offering (IPO), Underpricing, Underwriter Reputation, Accounting Method Choice, Owership Structure, Type of Industry.