Birth registration is crucial instrument to generate accurate demographic data, which are essential for government to plan and meet the needs of its citizens. This study was conducted to find out the factors for Low Birth Registration in Rural Areas, Mbeya District. The study examined the community’s level of awareness on birth registration, determined current practices of community and identified constraints affecting birth registration in the study area. Sampling procedures used to get respondents were simple random and purposive sampling whereby interviews, focus group discussion and documentary reviews were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics was used in data analysis. The study revealed that majority of respondents had knowledge on birth registration. However, current registration practice is low because few respondents with knowledge have registered their members and use birth certificates to obtain services. Findings further revealed different constraints that hinder birth registration in Mbeya District, including; long distance from home to service centres, bureaucracy and high costs. Furthermore, findings revealed that, the government has not yet established infrastructures in rural areas to ensure systematic registration of vital events. It was recommended that, to ensure the improvement of birth registration in rural areas there is a need for RITA to improve infrastructure in rural areas.
Keywords : Birth registration, Birth certificate, unregistered births.