This study is aims to analyze the factors of service quality, location, products on customer decisions and their implications for customer satisfaction on purchases at the Bogor Ramayana Department Store. . The results showed that there were a positive and significant effect of service quality, location and products on customer decisions and customer satisfaction, both partially and simultaneously, and customer decisions also had a significant direct effect on customer satisfaction. The conclusions in this study regarding the variables proved to have a positive and significant influence on the variable customer satisfaction, and customer decisions are very important in mediating the factors of service quality, location and product to the satisfaction of the customer of the Bogor Ramayana Department Store. Suggestions for companies are emphasizing the dimensions of empathy in service quality, location classification and conformity of product quality. It is also recommended to analyze other determinants that influence customer decisions and their implications for customer satisfaction in addition to the three factors described in this study.
Keywords : Service Quality, Location, Product, Customer Decision, Customer Satisfaction.