This study investigated the factors inhibiting the effective teaching and learning of integrated science at the junior secondary school level in Sierra Leone. The study employed a descriptive survey design. The population of the study comprised of junior secondary school pupils, integrated science teachers and integrated science Heads of Department. A random sampling technique was employed in the study to determine the selected junior secondary school .and a purposive sampling technique to select the subjects for the study. A sample size of 1,300 participant were administered questionnaires .This comprised of 1,000 JSS pupils, 200 integrated science teachers and 100 integrated science HODs from the selected schools. One thousand two hundred and nine (1,209) fully completed questionnaires were returned, making a response rate of (93.0%).The main instrument employed for the study for data collection was Self-Administered Integrated Science Questionnaire (SAISQ) and analysed using frequency counts and percentages.
Keywords : Integrated Science, Teaching and Learning, Inhibiting; Junior Secondary School, Effective.