Now a days, there is high risk in oral
infections. In dentistry, intraoral photography plays a
major role. It provides a patient, a comfort zone. In
which it helps the patient to understand about their
diagnosis. And intraoral photography is also helps the
dentist to identify and diagnosis the disease. It judges the
correct status of the patient. In intraoral photography
digital cameras plays a major role in it. There are two
types of photography, they are intraoral and extraoral
photography. Cheek retractor and intraoral mirrors
plays a major role in the intraoral photography. The few
degree of photographic skills to be learned by the
clinicians. For the complete record of the patient,
intraoral photography plays a vital role in it. It provides
a good diagnosis and treatment planning for the patient.
In this article we discuss about the reasons to use dental
photography, guidelines, essentials of intraoral
photography, accessories, views and conclude with
specialist consultation.
Keywords : Intra Oral Photography, Cheek retractor, Radiographs.