In the past, if there were women doing the usual tasks of men, or otherwise, would be considered something strange. But not today, because now there are many women who work and take over men’s duties for example as wage earner and become the backbone of the family. The phenomenon proves to us that there has been a shift in roles between men and women. One of the proof is in ‘Asto Craft’ home industry of knit bag which is where its employees mostly women than men.
The research is located in Semingin village, Sumbersari village, Moyudan sub-district, Sleman regency, Yogyakarta. The objectives is to find out how the work ethic of female workers in home industry, so We can know the work motivation and work attitude of female workers.
The methodology that used in this research is qualitative descriptive. The author conducted in-depth interviews since February 2015 and then continued April 2015 to May 2015 to home industry owner ‘Asto Craft’ Mr. Kusronto and conducted direct research to female housewife informants as employees.
Keywords : Work Ethics, Female Workers.