The purpose of this research is to find and
describe the existence of women in Indonesian digital
fiction. The theory used is stylistic semiotics, which is a
combination of three disciplines, namely: stylistics,
narrative semiotics, and digital semiotics. This research
method uses qualitative methods with phenomenological
and narrative approaches. The data sources are ten
applications containing digital short stories and ten
applications containing digital novels. All applications
are taken from the online playstore store. Selection of
data sources based on certain criteria, namely: rating 3+
to 18+, most downloads, and 4.0-50 reviews. While the
research data are words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and
paragraphs that contain active symbols and functional
symbols. Data collection techniques using observation
and recording techniques. The data analysis technique
used descriptive and hermenutic techniques. The data
validity testing technique used triangulation,
peerdebriefing, guided discussion, and external auditors.
The results of research on female figures in
Indonesian digital fiction show that women are
considered to be important figures who play an
important role, namely as helpers. Women are
considered capable of providing protection, security and
comfort to their surroundings. In Indonesian digital
fiction, women are considered as figures with high
capacity and great existence in helping someone's
struggle process to achieve their dreams or get their
desires. This research also reflects that the position of
women in modern times has a special place and is even
considered to have greater power than the male figure
Keywords : Woman, Figure, and Sylissemiodigital.