This article is an attempt to estimate the effect of the indicators of financial access expressed in relation with private investment in developing countries from 2004 to 2016. Empirically, we try to analyze the impact of the indicators of financial accessibility on private investment by using a panel database of International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Development Indicator (WDI) which include 63 developing countries. The model being used is the flexible accelerator, known as the “partial investment adjustment model”, proposed by: Goodwin (1951), Chenery (1952), Lucas (1967) and Tread way (1974) with the technical estimator ‘Between and within’ of generalize method of moments (GMM) on a dynamic panel. The dependent variable of the model used is private investment with the variables explained as GDP, interest rate, bank agencies, bank deposits, bank loans, and using Mobile Money and Automated Teller Machine (ATM), etc.
Keywords : Financial accessibility, private investment, developing countries, GMM.