It's necessary and very dangerous work to fight
against flames. The implementation of this project is
automatized as well as manualized. This project uses
ARM7. In sectors such as nuclear power plants,
petroleum refineries, gas tanks, chemical plants and other
large-scale industries, the majority of fire incidents
occurs, which results to complex situations. More number
of people have lost their lives because of such incidents.
We are mounting a Wi-fi module (Node MCU) for mobile
communication and many other sensors to detect the fire
and smoke. We use the BLYNK/TCP terminal program
for mobile control of the robot. The size of the robot is
around 20 cm long and 10 cm tall, capable of carrying an
extinguisher (gas). 12V 1.3Ampere hours of battery power.
Keil M Vision 4, Flash Magic and Embedded C are the
applications used for this projec
Keywords : Fire Fighter Robot, Extinguisher, Control, Sensors , Alert , Communication