Hsantar community forest (HCF) is located in Ward no. 7 of Nagarjun municipality, Kathmandu, Nepal. It was established in 2051 according to the Forest Act 2049. It lies about 3.5 Km north from Kalanki, Kathmandu. It has subtropical type of vegetation. The present study was carried out to record all the flowering plants found in that forest. It was found that 40 tree species, 16 species shrubs, 34 species herbs and 10 species of climbers belonging to 90 genera and 49 families in HCF. The forest is characterized by some important medicinal plants like Melia azedarach, Azadirachta indica, Jugalans regia, Gaultheria fragrantissima, Pogostemon benghalensis and Xanthoxylum armatum. This forest is community managed forest so community needs regular documentation of plant diversity and preservation of this forest.
Keywords : Subtropical, Plant Diversity, Medicinal Plants, Community Managed.