Folk Dances of Tribal Tribes in Ahmednagar District

Authors : Shri. Kakade Lahu Baban

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March

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Each community has a specific culture. Whether a society is advanced or not, one of the characteristics of every community is its culture. Without a culture, no society can be imagined. But not all cultures are the same. Differences are found in culture. Through socialization, culture is transmitted from one generation to another, so culture has survived for hundreds of years. But culture also changes over time. Cultural traditions seem to have a profound effect on human life. While researching the cultural life of tribal society, it has been found that tribal society has preserved its cultural heritage through art, music, folk dance and folk literature. Tribal society is very different from advanced society. The preservation of the tribal culture as well as its heritage remains. The traditions, customs, religious ideas, superstitions and religious rites of the tribal community have been in place for generations. Scientific approaches do not appear to have developed in them yet. Even so, tribal society in Ahmednagar district still appears to preserve its customs and traditions.

Keywords : Tribal, Cultural, Traditions. Folk Dance.


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