This article titled “Foreign policy of
Independent India”is based on the reflections of Indian
foreign policy adopted after independency .Foreign
policy principles of India are panchasheela , NAM,
respect to international law, respect to UN, regionalism
(SAARC, BIMSTIC) but in terms of foreign policy
practice India is dominating towards its immediate
neighbors but bowing towards powerful nations .
Objectives of the Study:
Broadly, this article has made its objective to study
the overall Indian foreign policy but specially, India’s
foreign policy of independent India and to find out its
dual role in terms of implementation contradiction is
Methodology of Study:
This study is carried out on the basis of available
resources i.e. books, journals, newspapers, interviews of
scholarly people broadcasted and published, online
materials, internet articles and so on. It means
descriptive method of study is mainly applied while
conducting this research.
Limitation of Study:
This study is limited on Indian foreign policy since
1950-2019 A. D. The article has defined basic principles
of Indian foreign policy as well as it has described the
Indian foreign policy under Prime Minister Nehru
(1947 - 63), Lal Bahadur Shastri (1964 – 66), Mrs.
Indira Gandi (1967 – 76), Morarji Desai (1977 – 1980),
Mrs. Indira Gandi (1980 – 84), Rajeev Gandi (1984 –
1989), VP. Singh (1989 – 1991), P.V. Narsimha Rao
(1991 – 1996), H.D. DeveGowda (1996 – 1997), I.K.
Gajral (1997 – 1998), Atal Behari Bajapayee (1998 –
2004), Dr. Man Mohan Singh (2004 – 2014), Narendra
Modi 2014 onwards are referred here.
Keywords : Foreign Policy, Panchasheela, Non-Alignment, National Interest, Security Perspective.