The implementation of Modern Government
has more complex challenges compared to private
organizations. The internal challenge of the current
government is the building of integrity of the State
Organization which has begun to decline due to the
poor culture (moral degradation) of the bureaucracy in
Indonesia, based on data on the level of integrity of the
government apparatus in general is very low. So we
need a suitable learning model in developing the
integrity of the state apparatus in carrying out its duties
and functions to serve. The research method used is
descriptive quantitative analysis method. Data was
collected through a questionnaire distributed to 43
samples from 70 population. This study was aimed at
designing a learning model for continuous shoots of
integrity, so as to build the strength of the government
apparatus in all fields to fight Corruption, Collusion
and Nepotism and make government in Indonesia with
integrity. The results showed that the learning process
of Integrity Buds carried out at BPSDM Banten
Province was able to improve the competence of
students related to Integrity in the administration of
government, but for the process of budding integrity to
be more sustainable it was necessary to apply
sustainable learning models based on the models offered
from the results of this study.
Keywords : Learning, Integrity Shoots, Model.