- Mosquitoes are one of the deadliest insects in
the world Which cause number of vector-borne
diseases(e.g Dengue, malaria, Zika virus fever, yellow
fever, West Nile fever, Japanese encephalitis) in human
being. this vector borne diseases cause millions of death
every year in the world, the chemical based mosquito
repellents available in the market contain some
hazardous chemicals which are likely to cause threat to
human being. According to report After using chemical
based mosquito repellents, 11.8% people complained of
various health issues like breathing problems, headache,
irritation in the eyes, bronchial irritation, cold , cough,
running nose and skin infections. some of them also
developed asthma after using these repellents. So, use of
herbal mosquito repellents are one of the option to
overcome the problems of chemical based Mosquito
Repellents. herbal mosquito repellents are effective, eco
friendly and cheaper as compared to chemical based
Mosquito Repellents.
Keywords : Herbal, Safe to Use, Mosquito Repellent, Cost effective etc.