Forum for Reflection and Debate: Sustainable Companies, Tackling Climate change

Authors : Carmen Echazarreta Soler, Albert Costa Marcé.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October

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This paper presents the results and conclusions from a forum for reflection and debate among professionals from different fields to discuss and define relevant and significant indicators that facilitate the identification, differentiation and promotion of sustainable companies. Consistent with a prior literature review, the debate was organized on the basis of five axes: sustainable companies, climate change, the environment, mobility and corporate social responsibility. A series of differential characteristics of sustainable companies are highlighted in four areas: a) Minimizing the consumption and promotion of renewable energies: transforming polluting sectors; internalizing the impact; renewable energy; recyclable and reusable products; energy demand management; segregation and waste management; b) Mobility: energy storage; increasing vehicle occupancy; using bicycles; electrified transport; improving freight transport; transport and mobility on demand; electric vehicles; c) Environmental, economic and social business management: contributing to improving the environment; the collaborative economy; innovative ecosystems; sustainable business strategies; flexibility; equal opportunities; collaborative innovation; teleworking; transparency; and d) Public administration: awareness; e) reducing emissions by between 7% and 8% per year; positive taxation; strategic management of the territory; promoting environmental certifications; promoting longterm sustainable strategies, and efficient and affordable public transport. Defining quantitative and qualitative indicators will provide a business management tool for the sustainable management of companies. The reflection, debate and knowledge generated in this forum of experts is aimed at producing qualitative research and the subsequent transfer of knowledge in three areas: education, entrepreneurship and business.

Keywords : Forum for reflection and debate; companies with values; sustainability; climate change; reducing energy consumption; renewable energy; transport and mobility.


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