Software updates are crucial in determining availability of the software. Validating an upgrade, post development assures better software uptime by ensuring that a upgrade is valid and successful. The framework discussed in this paper addresses Docker services. On manually performing the validation operation, there will be a delay in the release of the software along with huge scope for failures. The proposed validation framework automates the validation of cloud management software by performing a set of pre- upgrade, upgrade and post upgrade tasks. Once an equivalence is achieved between the results of pre and post upgrade tasks, then the upgrade is termed as valid. The system developed automates the task of software upgrade validation ensuring an effective and faster software upgrade release. It is highly extensible and can be used to automate the validation of various end to end use cases like software migration (moving software from one platform to another), software upgrade (includes patches, newly added features etc.) and many more. The proposed validation framework provides a performance efficiency of almost 90% when compared to performing the validation manually.
Keywords : Cloud, Software Validation, Software migration, software framework, upgrade, Uptime.