The wholesome disillusion of protectionism
among industrialized countries emerged after World
War, henceforth, former allied power the aegis of the
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
adopted New Multilateralism that evolved into ‘Free’
(fair) Trade (Sandrey,2013). Since then the world-over
has seen growth in trade among nations, states which has
also been contributed by manifestation of globalization.
There is increasingly unification of capital markets,
internationalization of production, mega-revolution in
information, networks, distribution, communication and
technology. In view of that member states of Southern
Africa Development Community (SADC) felt prudent in
2008 to achieve liberalize intraregional by trading in
goods and services hence, SADC Protocol for Free Trade
Area (FTA) was adopted. This Article is on Free Trade
Agreement and Prospects of Regional Integration in
Southern Africa with an evaluation of impingements of
SADC-FTA. The Article highlights the introduction,
background of SADC FTA, cites two other trading blocs
thus, the stand alone and the regional organized.
Thereafter, the article evaluates the impingements and
draws the conclusion. The article is the product of a
qualitative research methodology study conducted on the
benefits of South Africa from FTA. The study used
secondary data to which units, categories and
condensation applied to analyze the data. The
geographical proximity, overlapping membership, policy
harmonization, indivisibility of sovereignty, dependence
syndrome, lack of industrial capacity, political barriers,
low input from private sectors and tariffs variation are
some of the impingements.
Keywords : SADC, Free Trade Area, Regional Bloc, Economic Integration, Tariffs.