The Sultanate of Ternate established and
upheld their power base through maneuvering in the
realm of religious and cultural magic. It was a hegemonic
strategy that led this group to become the ruler and the
center of role models in the life of the people of Ternate.
To structure and strengthen their position, the Sultanate
of Ternate used four important elements as a strategy.
First, the doctrine of Jou se Ngofangare (king and
servant) is regulated to pose the king or sultan as the
representation of God's power (macrocosms). Second, the
myth of the Seven Princesses is exercised to justify the
sultan's powerful position. This myth is related to
magical-religious concepts used as a means of legitimating
the royal power to gain communal consent. Third, titles
and heirlooms of the Sultans from which the Sultan is
considered to have charisma and supernatural powers
along with various symbols and heirlooms of the sultan,
such as weapons and titles, were used to validate the
sultan's position as ruler. Fourth, Kadaton (palace)
symbolizes the highest position of traditional identity
which is used as a source of reference for traditional
values which are also closely related to magical sources of
Keywords : Palace, Sultan, Politics, Culture, Ternate Island