From Waste to Energy; Comparative Assessment of Heat Values of Biomass Briquettes and Fuel Wood for Bio-fuel Utilization and Strategic Waste Management in Ethiopia

Authors : Tekola Tessema Delbole; D. D. Ajayi

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 4 - April

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Organic wastes accumulation and disposal is always creating an environmental crisis. Hence, there is a shortfall of proper management of these wastes. Changing these biomass wastes in to another important product like briquettes is advantageous. Beside this, too much energy Ethiopia consumes comes from sources that are likely to be out of stock in the near future. The traditional way of collecting fuel wood has been going on for long time resulting in the depletion of the forest. The use of biomass as a fuel, however, requires knowledge of its heating performance. This study is therefore aimed to evaluate the heating value of biomass briquettes and conventional fire wood. Briquette from four selected solid wastes (Bagasses, Waste paper, Fruits peels and saw dust) were developed and the heat value of the briquette was compared with eucalyptus fuel wood. Energy evaluation test of briquettes and fuel wood was made using the Parr Isoperibol bomb calorimeter. Results of the investigation showed that, mean value of the bulk density of the selected samples of briquettes and fuel wood are 2.94 g/cm3 and 6.1457 g/cm3 respectively. Average moisture content of biomass briquettes is 3.06% while average moisture content of fuel wood is 7.5%. Mean heat value of briquettes and fuel wood is 16.27kj/g and 20.439kj/g respectively. It is proved that although fuel wood gave the slightly higher average heat value than briquettes, they have similar heat value at 95% level of significance. It is therefore concluded that briquettes with higher calorific value which could make excellent fuel can be produced from biomass solid wastes. Generally, briquettes have adequate thermal calorific values and therefore can substitute the utilization of conventional types of fuels

Keywords : Ash Content, Bulk Density, Heat Value Moisture Content.


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