Funding Public Day Secondary School Education: Implications on Quality Learning in Kisii County, Keny

Authors : Kennedy Nyambeche Getange.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March

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In Kenya, the envisaged goal of education is the attainment of quality, equity and relevance. The attainment of this depends on the availability of adequate and reliable sources of funding. However, the major challenge is to ensure that education provided meets high standards against steady increase in enrolment rates. This study examined the funding of public secondary schools and its implication on quality of learning in Kisii County, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive research design; the target population was 102 public secondary schools. Purposive sampling was used to select 36 principals, 36 bursars, 36 boards of management (BOM) members and 4 quality assurance officers. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview schedule. Validity was established by experts’ opinion and reliability was determined by test-retest technique. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study established that funding in secondary schools was not adequate and reliable to enhance quality learning. The study recommended that to enhance quality learning in secondary schools, several sources should be harnessed and the existing ones be enhanced.

Keywords : Funding, Secondary Education, Quality and Learning.


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